Discover Cuba

Introduction to the country in brief

Useful Information – The Essentials

  • Valid passport
  • Tourist card valid for 90 days, including children and babies.

Renewable once on site at immigration.

  • Health insurance certificate.
  • From late November to late May (dry season)

  • October, to avoid the stifling summer heat and towards the end of the rainy season
  • Accepted Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard (Note: American Express does not work in Cuba).

  • Possibility to withdraw only “CUP” at ATMs in major cities, but be cautious of transaction fees.

  • Have Euros that you can exchange for CUP, and carry a credit card for security purposes.
  • Cuban Peso, Euro, and Dollar are commonly used

  • The national currency is the Cuban Peso (1€ = ~128 CUP)
  • Consider bringing a small first aid kit with basic medications: pain relievers, antibiotics, Imodium, antihistamines.

  • Mosquito repellent

  • Take precautions with water, it is advisable to drink bottled water

There are two seasons:

  • Dry season from November to May (winter). Average temperatures around 25 degrees Celsius, water temperature approximately 24°C

  • Wet season from June to October (summer). Showers usually occur in the late afternoon. Average temperatures around 28 degrees Celsius, water temperature approximately 30°C
  • 110 volts; some houses may have outlets with 220 volts. It is advisable to bring an adapter for flat pin power plugs, American type, type (Type A)

How to Get Around in Cuba? – The Essentials

Here are three commonly used modes of transportation for traveling in Cuba :

  1. Viazul Buses
  2. Collective Taxis
  3. Private Taxis

Book your collective or private taxis

Geographical Data of Cuba

Other Transportation Options

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Así es como funciona una dirección en Cuba: siempre habrá una calle principal donde se encuentra la casa y dos calles perpendiculares entre las cuales está ubicada su casa

Aquí tienes un ejemplo :


Here’s how an address works in Cuba: there will always be the main street where the house is located and two perpendicular streets between which your house is situated

Here is an example :


Voici comment fonctionne une adresse à Cuba : il y aura toujours la rue principale où se trouve la maison et deux rues perpendiculaires entre lesquelles se trouve votre maison

Voici un exemple :
